Catalogues and Guides
- 1970: (Author) Memento on the Archaeological Museum. Department of Archaeology, University of Peradeniya.
- 1982: (Author) A Guide to Polonnaruva. Publisher: Central Cultural Fund, Colombo. 55 pages
- 1985: (Author) Nalanda – a short guide to the ‘ Gedige’ shrine. Publisher: Central Cultural Fund, Colombo. 19 pages. Available at CCF and PGIAR libraries Colombo.

- 1986: (Author) Sri Lankan Bronzes (Buddhist and Hindu). A Catalogue. Publisher: National Archaeological Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology, Colombo. Available at the PGIAR library.
- 1989: (Author) An Inventory of Places of Religious and Cultural Significance. Publisher: Coast Conservation Department Colombo, ISBN 955-9108-00-X. 303 pages. Available at the PGIAR library.
- 1990: (Author)Senarat Paranavitana Teaching and Research Museum, Department of Archaeology, University of Peradeniya. (brochure) Available at the PGIAR library.
- 1991: Catalogue of Buddhist and Hindu Bronzes of Sri Lanka. For exhibition at Musee Guimet, Paris.
- Co-compiler
- Wrote an introduction
- 1993: De glorie van Sri Lanka, tentoonstelling bronzen van de Nationale Collecties van Sri Lanka, Publisher: Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, Netherlands.
- Co-compiler
- (Co-authored with Nandana Chutiwongs) Chapter: ‘Boeddhistische beelden en beeldentempels’, Pages 38-51.

1994: Co-authored with Nandana Chutiwongs: Chapter: ‘Buddhist Images’, Pages 16-19. in catalogue: Sacred images of Sri Lanka, International Exhibition of Bronze Sculptures from the National Collections of Sri Lanka. (an exhibition of Buddhist and Hindu sculptures in Paris, Zurich, Washington DC, Leiden, Brussels, and New South Wales from 1993-94) Publisher: The Art Gallery, New South Wales, Australia. ISBN 0-7310-3444-9. Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- 1995: Catalogue: The Heritage of Sri Lankan Bronze Sculpture. For exhibition of Sri Lankan Bronze Sculpture, National Museum, Colombo. Publisher: The Department of National Museums, Colombo. ISBN 955-578-006-4 – available at PGIAR library
- General Editor
- Author of introduction ‘The Tradition of Sri Lankan Metal Sculpture’
- (Co-authored with Nandana Chuitwongs) ‘Buddhist Icons: Image, Shrine and Ritual’ – pages 4-10.

- 1996: (Author) The Sacred Sculpture of Sri Lanka = Catalogue of Buddhist and Hindu Bronzes, Publisher: Department of National Museums, Colombo.
- 1998: (Author) The Archeological Museum and Information Centre Polonnaruva – a Brief Introduction to the Display. Publisher: Central Cultural Fund, Colombo. Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- 2002: (Author) Catalogue of the Senarat Paranavitana Teaching and Research Museum, Dept. of Archaeology, University of Peradeniya, 127 pages. 2nd edition 2004, 122 pages. Available at the PGIAR library.
- 2012, republished 2018: (Author) A Guide to the National Museum. Publisher: Department of National Museums, Colombo. ISBN 978-955-578-035-3, 105 pages. Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- (Author) National Museum Colombo, Gallery Guides / Brochures, Publisher: Dept of National Museums (English and Sinhala). Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- Anuradhapura Gallery (2004)
- Polonnaruva Gallery (2005)
- Transitional and Kandy Period Galleries (2005)
- The Stone Gallery (2006)
- Ivory, Jewellery and Metal Gallery (2006)
- Coins and Currency, Standards and Banners, Arms and Armaments Gallery (2009)
- 2007: (Author) සමුද්රික කෞතුකාගාරය, Publisher: Sri Lanka Ports Authority.
- 2008: (Author) Chapter: ‘The Cultural Heritage of Sri Lanka’. Book: Cultural Heritage of Sri Lanka – the Land of Serendipity. A book/guide to the Exhibition of Sri Lankan Artifacts at the Tokyo National Museum. Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- (Co-edited with Ranjith Hewage) A guide to the Magampura Ruhunu Heritage Museum. Hambantota, 2014. ISBN 978-955-578-033-9. Publisher: Department of National Museums, Colombo (republished in 2015 as A Brief Illustrative Introduction to the Magampura Ruhunu Heritage Museum. Hambantota) and Sinhala brochure – මාගම්පුර රුහුණු උරුම කෞතුකාගාරය. Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- (Author) A Brief Guide to the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic (Dalada Maligava) Kandy (brochure). Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- (Author, design and concept) International Museum of World Buddhism, Sri Dalada Maligawa Kandy (brochure). Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
Video documentary titled ‘Polonnaruva – the Silver Capital of Sri Lanka’
- Produced by the French Embassy in Sri Lanka in association with the Archaeological Survey and the Central Cultural Fund. Aired on Rupavahini in the 1980’s.
- Narrated by Eric Fernando, Music by Pandit W.D. Aamaradeva, Editing and Sound and Camera Direction by Upali Aturugiri.
- Script and Direction by Prof. Leelananda Prematilleke.
Website of the Sri Dalada Maligawa
- He was the content author of the first website of the Sri Dalada Maligawa (Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic) Kandy, powered by Lanka Internet, 2001.
Radio Talks
- පැරණි ඉන්දියාවේ බෞද්ධ ගෘහනිර්මාණය 1960 (2 talks September to November)
- පැරණි ඉන්දියාවේ මූර්ථි කලාව – අමරාවතී කලා නිර්මාණ (August 1959)
- පැරණි ඉන්දියාවේ මූර්ථි කලාව – ඉන්දු මුර්ති කලාවේ ස්වර්ණ යුගය (August 1959)
- මිසරයේ අද්භූත පුරාවස්තු (3 talks February to April 1962)
- පුරාවිද්යාව හැඳින්වීමක් (3 talks February to April 1965)
Newspaper articles / interviews
- ‘Museum and Archaeology’, Ceylon Daily News, November 20th 1967 (International Council of Museums, Special Supplement) – publication of the lecture delivered at the Colombo museum to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the International Council of Museums.
- ‘Madya Asiyave Bauddhakalava’, Dinamina Wesak Kalapaya 1957
- ‘විදේශ ගතවූ ශ්රී ලංකා පුරාවස්තු’, දිනමිණ 03.08.1976
- ‘The Buddha colossus at Maligavila and its restoration’, Daily News, 1977
- ‘Polonnaruwa – the Medieval Capital’ (co-authored with L.K. Karunaratne), Daily News, June 4th, 18th and 25th, 1997
- ‘පරණවිතාන චින්තනය’, සිළුමිණ, December 31st 2000 (newpaper publication of the Senarat Paranavitana Memorial lecture published by the Department of Archaeology, Sri Lanka to commemorate Paranavitana’s 104th birth anniversary)
- ‘Save these vanishing treasures’, Sunday Observer 20th May 2001
- ‘Afghanistan and Buddhist Heritage’ – Leading article, Daily News, February 3rd 2003
- ‘Monitoring of World Heritage Sites’, Daily News – 3 parts (February 21st, 27th and March 1st 2003) – Article based on a commissioned report published in 1994, submitted to UNESCO as member of the UNESCO Monitoring Mission of the World Heritage sites of the Cultural Triangle
- ‘මෙරට බෞද්ධ කලාකරුවාගේ උත්තරීතර නිර්මාණය බුදු පිළිමයයි’,, August 2009

- English interview titled ‘Surgery in an ancient Kingdom’ (with Arjuna Aluwihare), Sunday Times Plus, 30th October 2011, author K. Hettiarachchi.
- Sinhala interview on personal reminiscences of Prof. Paranavitana, and personal experiences in the field of archaeology – ‘සැනකෙලිය’, මව්බිම, 29th April 2012, author S. Sudusinghe
Book Reviews
- Review of ‘The Prehistory of Sri Lanka – An Ecological Perspective’, Memoir Volume 8. Part II, by S. U. Deraniyagala, published by the Archaeological Survey, 1993
- Review of ‘Dambulu Viharaya’ by Prof. Mangala Illangasinghe, Empire Press Kelaniya. (The review appeared in Dinamina 26th May 1988)
- Review of ‘Indian Sculptures in the von der Heydt Collection, Museum Rictherg Zurich’ by J. E. van Lohuizen-den-Leeuw, in Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies, University of Peradeniya. Vol. 9 No. 2, July-December 1966
Chairperson of the Translations Committee, Central Cultural Fund Publications Unit
Editorial advisor during the publication of the following (Available at CCF library Colombo. Those marked * are also available at PGIAR library Colombo):
- 2002 – Selalihini Sandesa, of Totagamuve Sri Rahula Thera, ISBN 955-613-144-2
- 2005 – Sangha sarana (The Refuge of the Sangha), ISBN 955-613-202-3*
- 2005 – Hamsa Sandesa, ISBN 955-613-200-7*
- 2006 – Amavatura, by Gurulugomi (The Flood of Nectar), ISBN 955-613-201-5
- 2016 – Saddhammaratnavaliya, of Ven. Pandith Dharmasena (Garland of Gems of the Sublime Truth), ISBN 955-613-209-0
- 2019 – Dharmapradipikava, by Gurulugomi (The Illuminator of Doctrine), ISBN 978-955-613-382-0
Other authored articles
Dates unknown, hard copies available
- ‘Nalanda Gedige – a study in rescue Archaeology’
- ‘පුරාණ ලංකාවේ වෙදකම සහ ආරොග්ය ශාලා පද්ධති’
- ‘ශ්රී ලංකා බෞද්ධ කලා ශිල්ප‘
- ‘බෞද්ධ කලා ශිල්ප හා පුරාවිද්යාව විශයෙහි ශ්රී ලාංකික දායකත්වය’
- ‘Ornamentation of early Buddhist images and Bodhi -tree shrines of Sri Lanka’
- Articles titled ‘Polonnaruwa’ and ‘Kandy’, November 1992
- ‘Some outstanding sculptures of Sri Lanka’
- මහාචර්ය සෙනරත් පරණවිතාන (2013?)
- ‘Polonnaruva and the Cultural Triangle’ (booklet)
- ‘Mirisavatiya – Its Rise and Fall’ – with drawn figures
- ‘The dark age of ancient India revealed’