Excavation and Conservation reports of the UNESCO Sri Lanka Cultural Triangle Project
Kandy Project – Excavation reports between 1983 to 1999 (author)
Available at CCF library Colombo. Those marked * are also available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- First report -1983 *
- Second report – 1985 *
- Third report -1987 *
- Fourth report -1989 *
- First report-1991
- Second report-1985
- Sixth report-2004
- Seventh/Eighth report-1998 *
- Ninth report-1998 *
- Tenth report-1998*
- Twelfth report-1998
- Fifteenth/Sixteenth report -1999
Alahana Parivena Project Polonnaruva – Excavation reports between 1981 to 1999 (author)

Available at CCF library Colombo. Those marked * are also available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- First report – 1982
- Second report -1982
- Third report -1983
- Fourth report – 1985
- Fifth report -1988
- Sixth report -1989
- Twenty-first report -1995*
- First report– 1981
- Second report – 1992*
- Third report -1994
- Fourth report -1989*
- Sixth report -1993*
- Tenth/Eleventh report -2004
- Sixteenth/Seventeenth report -1998*
- Eighteenth report -1998
- Nineteenth report -1998*
- Twentieth report -1995
- Twenty-first report -1995*
- Twenty-second report -1994
- Twenty-third report -1995
- Twenty-seventh report -1997
- Twenty-eight report -1997
- Twenty-ninth report -2003
- Thirtieth report -1998
- Thirty-first report -1998
- Thirty-second report -1999*
Alahana Parivena Project Polonnaruva – Conservation reports (author)
Available at CCF library Colombo. Those marked * are also available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- Fifteenth report -1999*
- Sixteenth report -1999*
- Seventeenth report -1999*
- Nineteenth report -1999
Other commissioned reports
- 1976: (Author) Report on the restoration of Sōpārā, Bombay. International Society of Asokan Culture, Bombay.
- 1979: (Co-authored with Ven. Dr. Kamburupitiye Vanaratana Thero) Report on the restoration of the Mirisaveti Dāgaba, Jetavana Dāgaba and precincts of the Seruvila Dāgaba. Submitted to the Advisory Board on Protected Monuments of the Archaeological Survey of Sri Lanka.
- 1986: (Author) Report on the inventory of Places of Religious and Cultural Significance and Areas of Scenic and Recreational Value; Volumes I and II. Coast Conservation Department, Sri Lanka. Pages 318, with figures, plates and maps. Available at the PGIAR library.
- He also authored a guideline after this report titled ‘Preservation and Restoration of Historic, Cultural and Archaeological Resources in Sri Lanka’s Coastal Zone’
- 1988: (Author) The discovery of A Human Skeleton in a Coral Coffin in the Island of Fua Mulak, Republic of the Maldives. Submitted to the Government of the Republic of Maldives.
- (Co-authored with L K Karunaratne) Alahana Parivena – Programme and Progress 1981 – 1994. Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- (Co-authored with L K Karunaratne) Alahana Parivena Polonnaruva – Archaeological Excavation, Conservation and Layout 1981-1991, Central Cultural Fund, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka. Available at PGIAR library Colombo.
- 1994: World Heritage site Monitoring Mission – Sigiriya, Anuradhapura, Polonnaruva (Sri Lanka), co-author of report prepared by ICOMOS for the Government of Sri Lanka
- 1999 February: (Author) Conservation of the Tivanka Image House at Polonnaruwa. A report to the Minister of Buddha Sasana, Religious and Cultural Affairs.
- 2002: (Author) Management of Archaeological, historical, Religious and Cultural sites, scenic and recreational sites, public access and view corridors within the coastal zones. Publisher: Coast Conservation Department, Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development.